Avoider diminisher poser owner
Avoider diminisher poser owner

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And every day, they’re learning how to do a bigger job.” “One of the things I learned about leadership in this, is that most of these leaders in these tech companies are woefully under qualified for their jobs. It allowed her to spend the first part of her career passively observing what it takes to grow a hugely successful company from scratch. Liz Wiseman credits her success with luck – lucky she was raised in Silicon Valley, lucky she landed a great role in an emerging tech company (Oracle) that was breaking all of the rules, lucky she got to cut her own detail and make it up as she went along. The Accidental Diminisher with Liz Wiseman The limitations of diminisher leadership.Not every smart person creates a smart team.How teaching programming led her to becoming a researcher.So if you think you could be holding your team back accidentally, preventing productivity and the only thing standing between your team and greatness is an awareness and desire to do things differently, then this fantastic conversation is not to be missed. In this episode Dom chats to Liz about what these diminisher behaviours are – maybe you’ll recognise yourself in some of her descriptions. “About two thirds of diminishing behaviour that we see is what we would call accidental diminisher behaviour, meaning it’s done with the best of intentions.” So you might be thinking, then why don’t we all strive to be multipliers? Because, Liz says, most of the behaviours exhibited by diminishers are completely accidental – only 20% of diminisher behaviours are deliberate. The multipliers get twice the output from their teams than the diminishers do. In it, she identifies two types of leaders – multipliers and diminishers. She’s recently updated it, although its core ideas still very much apply today. Liz is a researcher, executive advisor and author, writing Multipliers over 10 years ago.

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Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebookĭo you drain your team or engage them? Are you wondering how to make your leadership team even greater? You need to listen to Liz Wiseman, author of New York Times bestseller Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter.

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